Thursday 27 October 2016

Grawnwin Rondo Pant Du Grapes
Grawnwin Rondo Pant Du Grapes 2016

Mae’r grawnwin bellach wedi eu casglu, a’r winllan yn ymbaratoi at y gaeaf o'u blaen.
Blwyddyn arall wedi hedfan, a’r grawnwin wedi ffynu eto eleni, er y tywydd cyfnewidiol cafwyd llwyth helaeth o rawnwin oddi ar y gwinwydd.

Bu teulu a ffrindiau wrthi yn ddygun yn casglu y grawnwin yma ganol mis Hydref, ac fel yr arfer cafodd y grawnwin eu cludo i windy Three Choirs yn Newent, Gloucester. Yno mae ganddynt yr arbenigedd i droi ein grawnwin yn win. Bydd yn fis Gorffennaf 2017 arnym yn gweld y gwin eto, gan obeithio am yr un llwyddiant a’r blynyddoedd gorffennol. Iechyd Da!


The grapes have now been collected, and the vineyard is getting ready for the winter ahead.
Another year has flown by, and the grapes have flourished yet again this year, despite the ever changeable weather there was a sizeable collection of grapes from the vines.

As tradition now, family and friends gathered to collect the grapes here mid-October, before being transported to Three Choirs winery in Newent, Gloucester. There they have the expertise to turn our grapes into quality wine. It will be July 2017 when we see our wine again, hoping for the same success as previous years. Cheers!

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